Hello, I’m Claire - owner & therapist of Toe to Soul Holistics. This company was born out of my love for all things holistic, spiritual and things that are just generally really interesting, really pleasurable or really good for you

I was a registered nurse for over 18 years working in many areas of adult nursing but I’ve always used and loved so called ‘‘alternative treatments”. My particular interests are functional medicine, energy medicine and essential oils. I retrained as a reflexologist in 2017, then went on to become a reiki master teacher, facial reflexologist and the rest quickly followed …….I’m always hungry for knowledge and new ways of managing our health naturally

I like to be current with all the new research or therapies that are becoming available as well as the amazing ‘'old’ ones. Complementary therapies sit so well in our modern world and help us to reconnect to ourselves , our bodies and our innate and amazing ability to maintain our own health needs. Sometimes we can forget that mother nature really did give us everything and we need a helping hand to remember

My secret to health and wellness lies in the little things ;

Mindful Eating

Mindul Exercise, breathing and movement

Mindful relationships

Mindul working

Mindful downtime and connecting with nature

When we are mindful of the little things , we tend to become more fluid and relaxed about the larger things. We are born into this world an uncomplicated being of love , full of joy with no worries or stresses and abundant creativity. We are are connected to all aspects of ourselves but over time this can be lost in the myriad of adult life

Its important to remember that you are a being of pure potential , full of love and gratitude. Practice gratitude and be mindful about the relationships you have with not only others but most importantly yourself and you will start to notice how differently your life will become

Gratitude is daily practice for me , here’s just some of the reasons that make my life abundant :

  • Health ( I didn’t always have it)

  • Love in all its forms

  • Betty the Schnauzer

  • Long hot showers (too long!)

  • Sharing what I love to do everyday

  • Running and meditation equally

  • Every bit of music I can get my hands on

  • Birdsong and anything to do with nature

  • Essential Oils - Game Changer ……

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Go for it now , the future is promised to no-one
— Dr Wayne Dyer