Access Bars Therapy -

Access Consciousness®

Welcome to the best therapy you have never probably heard of ! How does it get any better than this?®

Access Bars® is a set of 32 points on the head , when lightly touched help you release all thoughts , ideas , beliefs , emotions and considerations that hold you back from living your fullest and most conscious life. Trying to describe a Bars session is like most energy work - it's individual to you.

At worst you will feel incredibly relaxed , at best you are going to leave a different person ! (bold statement eh!) Here are just some of the benefits ;

Brings clarity and focus

Reduces stress and tension

Eases sleep disorders

Releases fears and phobias

Clears blockages to money and abundance

Releases worry and connects to joy

Assists with releasing physical pain, weight issues and improves overall health

Generalised depression reported as disappearing after one session for many

If you want to know what access bars® feels like - what are you waiting for? Let’s get you onto the path of creating a life you love!

60 mins | £60 (Clearing session) 90 mins | £90 ( Life Session)